Life gets busy and we understand that you may not be able to make it in for a massage every week since massage has so many wonderful benefits such as reducing stress, relieving muscle tension, lowering blood pressure, boosting immunity and more. In order to keep the positive effects going, you can give yourself some easy self massages in between appointments. 

So put some relaxing music on, light your favorite candles and grab a seat in your comfiest chair. Here are some easy massages you can do at home.

Scalp Massage 

Feeling a little tense? A scalp massage will help release the tension not only in your head but your neck and shoulders, as well. They are also great for relieving tension headaches – so if you’ve been staring at the screen for too long, this is a good one!

First, let your hair down (you may want to run a brush through it so it doesn’t get tangled). Using a nice amount of pressure, take the tips of your fingers and gently move them in a circular motion from the front of your head to the back. Keep on repeating until you have covered your entire scalp. Don’t forget the area behind the ears. 

Neck Massage

Between looking down at your phone and slouching over your desk, your neck is probably in need of some self-care. This quick and easy massage is sure to bring some relief. 

Begin by wrapping your right hand around the back of your neck on the right side. Give your neck a little squeeze while you turn your head to the left. Stay in this position for one breath and then return to the center. Squeeze again and turn your head to the right. Then switch hands and repeat. Keep going five to seven times on each side. 

Hand Massage

Texting, typing, writing, fastening buttons, opening jars, the list goes on and on – it seems like this part of the body never gets a break! You’ll want to give your hands some love. 

First, apply your favorite hand lotion or oil. With both palms facing up, place your left hand in your right hand. Using gentle but firm pressure, rub your thumb in circular motions from the center to the outermost area of your palm. After you have covered the entire area of your palm,  you can take your thumb and pointer finger and squeeze the side of fingers in that opposite hand from the base to the tips. When you are finished, do the same to the other hand. Here’s a video featuring this technique and other methods. 

Foot Massage

Your feet take you wherever you need to go – it’s time to treat them! Taking care of your feet has many scientific health benefits including better balance, stress and anxiety reduction, improved sleep and reduced foot pain. 

Grab your favorite foot lotion or oil and apply it from the top of your foot to the bottom of your toes. Using your knuckles apply firm pressure in a circular motion all around the bottom of your foot. Don’t forget about the toes! You can also place your hands on either side of your foot and use your thumbs to apply pressure throughout. Here’s a video for even more ideas. 

Of course, nothing beats a professional massage. Book yours at one of our two convenient Balanced Body Therapeutic Massage Lehigh Valley locations by visiting us online. We can’t wait to see you!